Tuesday 10 September 2024

Language Switcher




Any edition will do, as I generally have even older ones!

All books can be easy found online. I also use a lot of different material: novels, songs, audios and Word documents.  I do have many other books; so if you already have some, just let me know!

I have most PLida, Celi, Cils and Dalf books to help you preparing your exam!

I’m also writing two e –books, one for Italian and one for French.

“You can never possibly have too many books” (Alessandra P.)






Nuovo Espresso 1, Luciana Ziglio-Giovanna Rizzo, Alma Edizioni.    A1 better with cd a good mix of grammar and communication

Nuovo Espresso 2, Maria Balì-Giovanna Rizzo, Alma Edizioni. A2 better with cd

Nuovo Espresso 3, Maria Balì,  Luciana Ziglio, Alma Edizioni.  B1 better with cd

Nuovo Espresso 4, Maria Balì, Irene Dei, Alma Edizioni. B2 better with cd

Nuovo Espresso 5, Giorgio Massei, Rosella Bellagamba, Alma Edizioni. C1 better with cd

Italian Verb Tenses, Paola Nanni-Tate, Mc Graw Hill.     From beginner to advanced. A really good books with all Italian Verb Tenses.

Italian Made Simple,Cristina Mazzoni, Three Rivers Press.  From beginner to advanced. Good mix of vocabulary, expressions and exercises.

Storie per principianti dalla A alla Z, Valeria Blasi, Alma Edizioni. A0/A1 a good book to read for total beginners.

Passato prossimo e imperfetto, quando e come usarli, C.Brighetti, A.Fatone, T. Pasqualini, Alma Edizioni. A1/B2 for a deep insight of passato prossimo and imperfetto.

La prova orale 1, T. Marin, Edilingua. A1/B1.  An excellent book to use for your conversation, very good choice of topics.

La prova orale 2, T. Marin, Edilingua.B2/C2. An excellent book to use for your conversation, very good choice of topics also for intermediate- advanced learners.

Italiano in pratica, C. Mazzotta, Alma Edizioni. A1/A2 to increase your vocabulary and expressions.

Il congiuntivo, grammatical-esercizi-curiosità, D.Mancini-T.Marani, Alma Edizioni.  B1/C2 one of the most difficult subjects in Italian.

Italiano in cinque minuti, Esercizi rapidi sulla grammatica e sul lessico, Sabrina Galasso-Giuliana Trama, volume 1, Alma Edizioni. A1/A2 a relly good book to practice and review. Very good articles about Italian culture.

Italiano in cinque minuti, Esercizi rapidi sulla grammatica e sul lessico, Gianluca Aprile-Filippo Graziani-Giuliana Trama, volume 2, Alma Edizioni. B1/B2 level 2

Italiano per modi di dire, Gianluca Aprile, Alma Edizioni. A2/C1 a really useful book to learn many Italian idioms and expressions.

Le prime 1000 parole italiane, con esercizi, livello elementare/pre-intermedio., R. Tartaglione, Alma Edizioni.It helps increasing your vocabulary. Elementary to pre-intermediate level.

Le prime 3000 parole italiane, con esercizi, livello intermedio/avanzato, R. Tartaglione, Alma Edizioni.It helps increasing your vocabulary. Intermediate to advanced level.

Learn Italian, The fast and fun way, Marcel Danesi, Barron’s. From beginner to intermediate level, a must!

Easy Italian Reader, A three-part text for beginner students, Riccarda Saggese. From beginner to advanced, perfect for an English speaker.

I verbi Italiani, grammaitca esercizi e giochi, Sonia Bailini-Silvia Consonno, Alma Edizioni.  In my opinion from an intermediate to advanced level. Really well explained.




Italiano Medico, Daniela Forapani, Edilingua. B1/B2 with audio cd

Profilo di storia Italiana per stranieri,  Paolo E. Balboni e Matteo Santipolo, Guerra Edizioni. Advanced level.

L’italiano attraverso la storia dell’arte, Maddalena Angelino-Elena Ballarin, Guerra Edizioni. Advanced level.





Ambarabà 1, Annalisa Dorigatti-Michela Viola-Chiara Codato-Silvia Cravedi, Alma Edizioni. A1 with audio cd

Ambarabà 2, Fabio Casati-Rita Cangiano-Chiara Codato, Alma Edizioni.A2with audio cd

Ambarabà 3, Fabio Casati-Rita Cangiano-Chiara Codato, Alma Edizioni.B1 with audio cd

Ambarabà 4, Fabio Casati-Rita Cangiano-Chiara Codato, Alma Edizioni.B2 with audio cd

Ambarabà 5, Fabio Casati-Rita Cangiano-Chiara Codato, Alma Edizioni.C1with audio cd

Grammatica italiana per la scuola primaria, Elena Costa- Lilli Doniselli-Alba Taino, La spiga Edizioni. Level intermediate-advanced with audio cd

Grammatica italiana per bambini da 7 a 11 anni, Sabrina Galasso, Alma Edizioni. From beginner to advanced level.






Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau debutant, Claire Miquel, Cle International. Beginner level, very good to build your vocabulary.

Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau intermédiaire, Claire Leroy-Miquel, Anne Goliot-Lété, Cle International. Intermediate level

Vocabulaire progressif du français, niveau avancé, Claire Miquel, Cle International. Advanced level.

Read&Think French, Mc Graw Hill. With cd audio, to learn more about French culture. Advanced level.

Communication progressive  du français, niveau debutant, Claire Miquel, Cle International. Beginner level, very good to improve your speaking.

Communication progressive  du français, niveau intermédiaire, Claire Miquel, Cle International. Intermediate level.

Communication progressive  du français, niveau avancé Claire Miquel, Cle International. Advanced level.

Civilisation progressive de la francophonie, niveau debutant, Jackson Noutchié Njiké, Cle International. Beginner level, very good to learn about the evolution of French language and French speaking countries. 

Civilisation progressive du français, niveau debutant, Catherine Carlo-Mariella Causa, Cle International.Beginner level, very good to learn about French culture.

Civilisation progressive du français, niveau intermédiaire, Ross Steele Cle International.Intermediate level.

Civilisation progressive du français, niveau avancé, Jacques Pécheur, Cle International.Advanced level.

Grammaire progressive du français, niveau debutant, Maïa Grégoire, Cle International.Beginner level, very good to study  introductory grammar.

Grammaire progressive du français, niveau intermédiaire, Maïa Grégoire-Odile Thiévenaz, Cle International.Intermediate level.

Grammaire progressive du français, niveau avancé, Michèle Boularès-Jean-Louis Frérot, Cle International.Advanced level.

French Demystified, a self-teaching guide, Annie Heminway, Mc Graw Hill.  A mix of grammar and dialogues, from beginner to advanced.

French Verb Tenses, Trudie Maria Booth, Mc Graw hill.   From beginner to advanced. A really good book with all French Verb Tenses.

Grammaire progressive du français, perfectionnement, , Maïa Grégoire ,Cle International.Proficient level.

Vocabulaire progressif du français, perfectionnement, , Claire Miquel , Cle International.Proficient level.

Le médecin malgré lui, Molière. B1  a revisited version of Molière.

Maigret tend un piège, Georges Simenon. B2  a revisited version of Georges Simenon.

Easy French Reader, A three-part text for beginner students, R.de Roussy de Sales. From beginner to advanced, perfect for an English speaker.

Learn French, The fast and fun way, Elisabeth Bourquin Leete, Barron’s. From beginner to intermediate level, a must!

Easy French, Step-by-step, Myrna Bell Rochester, Mc Graw Hill.  From beginner to advanced level, going through interesting articles, idioms and grammar rules.




Vocabulaire progressif  du français des affaires, Jean-Luc Penfornis ,Cle International.Advanced business French vocabulary.

Communication progressive  du français des affaires, Jean-Luc Penfornis ,Cle International.Advanced business French dialogues and situations.



French for children, Catherine Bruzzone, Mc Graw Hill. It blends listening/speaking skills with reading/writing skills

Oxford Children's French-English Visual Dictionary, Oxford.Good idea, as children are good visual learners.

Cool Kids Speak French - Book 1: Enjoyable activity sheets, word searches & colouring pages in French for children of all ages: Volume 1, Joanne Leyland. A really good mix of activities.

French: Children's Book One, Lucy Montgomery, Skoldo.

French: Children's Book Two, Lucy Montgomery, Skoldo.

French: Children's Book Three, Lucy Montgomery, Skoldo.





Practical everyday English, Steven Collins, Montserrat Publishing. With audio cd, advanced vocabulary, phrasal verbs, idioms and expressions.

English Conversation, Jean Yates, Mc Graw Hill.From intermediate to advanced level.

English Grammar in Use, a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English, Raymond Murphy,Cambridge University Press. For intermediate learners of English.

1,000 conversation questions, Larry Pitts. From beginner to advanced level.

TOP Grammar, Daniela Villani-Franca Invernizzi-Rachel Finnie-David A.Hill,Helbling Languages. A1-B2 for Italian speakers. Comes with a cd.

Grammar and vocabulary for advanced, Martin Hewings-Simon Haines, Cambridge University Press. Perfect to prepare for the Cambridge advanced exam.

High Spirits 1,Student’s book and workbook, Philippa Bowen&Denis Delaney, Oxford.Book for high school students.

High Spirits 2,Student’s book and workbook, Philippa Bowen&Denis Delaney, Oxford.Book for high school students.

High Spirits 3,Student’s book and workbook, Philippa Bowen&Denis Delaney, Oxford.Book for high school students.

Activating Grammar Multilevel, Angela Gallagher-Fausto Galuzzi,Pearson Longman.  From Beginner to advanced level. For Italian speakers.

Venture 1, 21rst Century skills and competences. Mark Bartram-Richard Walton, Oxford.Preferably for high school students.

Venture 2, 21rst Century skills and competences. Mark Bartram-Richard Walton, Oxford.Preferably for high school students.

English Grammar Framework, Jennifer Gascoigne, Black Cat-Cideb. B2 a really good grammar review.

English Grammar in Use, a self-study reference and practice book for elementary learners of English, Raymond Murphy,Cambridge University Press. For intermediate learners of English.

Essential Grammar in Use, grammatical di base della lingua inglese, Raymond Murphy con Lelio Pallini, Cambridge University Press. A really good book for Italian speakers.

New English Practice,  Helena Downes-James Rock, Cedam. A really good mix of exercises, for advanced students. For Italian speakers.

The story od the seagull and the black cat who taught her to fly,Luis Sepulveda, Scholastic.  Intermediate level.

Gulliver’s Travels.Reading&Training, Jonathan Swift, Black Cat-Cideb. B1

Sherlock Homes Stories, Reading&Tranining, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Black Cat-Cideb. A2

The scalet letter, Reading&Tranining, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Black Cat-Cideb. B2


I have many other interesting books we can read together, from Black Cat-Cideb.




Learn Correct English Conversation through pictures ,Part 4, Dreamland Publications. A really interesting approach to conversation.

Flash on English for BUSINESS CONVERSATIONS,  Ian Badger, Eli.Very interesting, advanced level.

English, Conversations for Business, Bakari Akil II.Quick and easy book




English & Grammar: Nouns, Verb, Adverbs, Adjetives. Grade 3, Brighter Child. Very well structured and colourful book

English & Grammar: subjects, Proper Nouns, Verb Tenses. Grade 4, Brighter Child.

English & Grammar: Helping and linking Verbs, Writing Sentences, Vocabulary and Spelling. Grade 5, Brighter Child.

English & Grammar: Parts of Speech, Punctuation, and Vocabulary and Word analogies Grade 6, Brighter Child.

First English Words Activity Book 1, Collins.  Age 3-7.


Please note that I own and I have used for years all the books above mentioned. Enjoy your reading!!